Our miracle RAINBOW BABY BOY arrived 8/2018

1st IVF = BFN
2nd IVF = Baby A, born May 2015
3rd IVF = Miscarriage at 14 weeks
4th IVF = BFN
After we paid for 5th IVF, positive pregnancy without IVF!

Because the important moments in life just don’t fit in a status update! I started this blog when I was training for my first ½ Ironman, (70.3 miles) to record what I hoped would be growth and progress but ended up being a huge learning experience. Although fitness is one of the key ingredients to a happy life, it certainly isn't the only ingredient. My blog has evolved to document growth, progress and setbacks in other areas too. From my surprise proposal in Rome and wedding in the fall of 2013, to Mom's devastating stage IV cancer diagnosis and death 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant. Who knows what shape it will take, but thanks for being along for the ride.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

June, 2024: Family, Near and Far

In June, we were fortunate to have family staying with us almost the entire month! First, my husband's family was here to celebrate his brother's 50th birthday. His brother and wife stayed, as well as my father-in-law. The kids loved having them here, and so did we! With the loss of Dad earlier this year, it was nice to have a full house, and to feel the connection to family.

Then, we had my family come to stay from England. We hosted my Mom's sister Anna, her husband Ashley, and my cousin Carl. The last time Anna and Carl came to the united states, I was in 6th grade.

We had fun taking them around and doing all of the touristy things that we never do because we always can. Like the Getty Museum. I mean, it's FREE, and yet I had not been there in a decade! We also went to Huntington Beach, Laguna, and Universal Studios and spent a few nights in Vegas, taking in the kids' very first Vegas show.

Being around my Mom's family helped me feel connected to her, as well as to something larger. I grew up with no family around. Separated by time and distance, they visited once when I was 12, but we never had the money to travel over there. It is so meaningful to have connected with Aunt Anna again, and all the more meaningful because of her close connection with the kids.  Seeing them be loved by her and her family is priceless. It was amazing to hear her use some sayings that Mom used to use but that I had forgotten, such as "have the hump" when someone is upset. It was a privilege to learn that some even saw a family resemblance between us. Can you see it? 

I loved their sense of humor, and we all got along famously. I was also able to learn more about my grandparents. Having them here for an extended amount of time afforded us the luxury of being able to have casual conversations and not feel like we had to hurry to fit it all in. It allowed us to relax and really be ourselves, with some late nights by the outdoor fire and watching Breaking Bad.

We spent what would have been Mom's 73rd birthday visiting the Mission at San Juan Capistrano and at the Tea House on Los Rios with my best friend, Andrea. Mom and I went to that tea house years before, and it was comforting to have something to do that honored her. 

In addition to connecting with them, I also connected with my brother Glen in a new way, as he came with us all to Oregon for the first time. All seven of us flew to Oregon, while my husband made the 15 hour drive with all five (yes, five!) dogs. It was Honey's first time visiting Oregon.

My mother-in-law, Mom Cathy, was a gracious host. We spent time out on the lake, went for walks, and enjoyed long family dinners. She also took all of us to Sweet Cheeks Winery.

We spent one day on the Oregon Coast Aquarium with my brother-in-law Ben. He has volunteered there for years, and gave us the VIP treatment. Many months prior, when Ben first learned that my family would be visiting from England, he asked if they were familiar with one of his favorite bands, The Fisherman's Friends. I don't know about you, but no one I know is into sea shanties. Thinking that this was a bit too obscure, we told him that we weren't sure. Would you believe that they were familiar with the Fisherman's Friends and regularly went to Cornwall, the same town they are from, and regularly play at?! It was nice for them to have an instant connection and something to talk about.

As June came to a close, we were enjoying family time in Oregon and the blending of two families that have become one. Having family near and far come together was a powerful reminder of the importance of these connections in our lives and in the lives of our children. Whether it was celebrating milestones with my husband's side or rekindling bonds with my family from England, every moment underscored the value of shared experiences and memories. The joy of seeing our children embraced by their relatives, learning more about our roots, and finding unexpected connections between both sides of our family was truly priceless. This time together allowed us to honor the past, cherish the present, and build bridges for the future. It was a month filled with laughter, love, and the comforting realization that no matter the distance, family is always close at heart. Even (especially?) those that are now in Heaven.