Our miracle RAINBOW BABY BOY arrived 8/2018

1st IVF = BFN
2nd IVF = Baby A, born May 2015
3rd IVF = Miscarriage at 14 weeks
4th IVF = BFN
After we paid for 5th IVF, positive pregnancy without IVF!

Because the important moments in life just don’t fit in a status update! I started this blog when I was training for my first ½ Ironman, (70.3 miles) to record what I hoped would be growth and progress but ended up being a huge learning experience. Although fitness is one of the key ingredients to a happy life, it certainly isn't the only ingredient. My blog has evolved to document growth, progress and setbacks in other areas too. From my surprise proposal in Rome and wedding in the fall of 2013, to Mom's devastating stage IV cancer diagnosis and death 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant. Who knows what shape it will take, but thanks for being along for the ride.

Monday, September 30, 2024

July, 2024 - Croatia and Poland

As July started, our family trip to Oregon with my relatives from England was concluding. And what better way to end your trip to America than with a rodeo on the 3rd of July, complete with fireworks and Donald Trump hats? They flew home to the UK on the 4th.

The goodbyes were hard, especially for the kids. On the way to the airport, Aunt Anna gave them each a little gift. Inside the book I was reading, she left me a thank you card, and she also left one for my husband's family, which was so touching.

They left with me wishing that they lived here. Or, that we lived there. But like nearly every situation in our lives, we need to be thankful for what we do have and not always be looking for more. Plus, geographical distance does not dictate closeness or connection. Someone can live the next city over, and yet those few miles can feel like a million.

The day after they flew home to Heathrow, the children and I flew to Croatia. Hubby drove the dogs home and then met us on a connecting flight at the Vienna airport. The kids were amazingly well-behaved, having traveled for nearly 24 hours by the time we arrived in at our hotel in Dubrovnik. We had two rooms on the edge of the Old Town. The hotel was amazing, with a huge selection for breakfast every morning. I did my best to just have some fruit and not eat a ton just because it was included. I was hooked on their fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice!

Only 28 hours of travel time 🤪 Amazing views on the drive in! Kids have been amazing so far. It’s 8pm now (noon California time), and they have only slept 2-3 hours on the long flight and 2 hours in the lounge.

Okay, it’s official. Dubrovnik is by far my favorite city! Love the historic buildings dating from the 16th century combined with medieval architecture and a labyrinth of limestone-paved streets, all surrounded by the clear waters of the Adriatic Sea. Then, just when you think it can’t get any better, you throw in a super tame and cuddly cat around every corner! Oh, and did I mention that there are zero beggars, homeless, or people on drugs? You can get arrested here for wearing a t-shirt with a marijuana leaf on it here. A local said no one begs because if they’re panhandling, someone will offer them a job. Almost no unemployment. The government doesn’t encourage unemployment because they don’t give handouts unless absolutely needed due to a disability. Absolutely beautiful here and so safe.

July 7th - We all slept a solid 9 hours without waking up (thank goodness! I was worried kids would wake up during the night) until our alarm went off at 9:30am. Then, we had an amazing breakfast at our hotel with all kinds of juices and made to order a la cart items such as omelets and pancakes. Double espresso latte. After breakfast we explored the old town and found same tuxedo cat at the playground and named him Oreo. Continued to find cats. Booked kayak tour. Walked to public swimming part where people were jumping off cliffs. Back at hotel swam in pool and sauna. Then back and swam in the Baltic Sea. Dinner and autumn unknowingly tried salmon. Have you hear of hot yoga? Well we did hot mass. Extra points because none of us understood a word. Songs were beautiful though, and we used it as a time of reflection and conversation with God. Ice cream and bed early, at 930pm. I found a photo that Dad had sent to me through Google Photos a year ago that I had not seen. Dad sent this to me last year and wrote “time.” Didn’t see it until now. Love that his reflection is in the window. Sigh. Time… 

July 8th - Getting up early to meet a local photographer at 6:30am to take our photos seemed like quite a chore, but it was so worth it. Not only was it much cooler, but we were able to see the city before she woke up for the day, and before it was crowded. 

The cats of Dubrovnik are considered the city’s oldest citizens. The felines we see living in the old town are direct descendants of the cats introduced in the 14th century to help fight the bubonic plague by catching and killing the disease carrying rats responsible for spreading the disease.
Ocean kayaking was so much fun…for the first hour and a half. Then the last 30 min were brutal. I will be sore tomorrow. Went snorkeling at Betina Cave Beach.

Dubrovnik just moved into the #1 spot as my all-time favorite city! So much history, zero lawlessness or homeless, and a ton of CATS which are direct descendants of ones brought here in the 13th century to help fight the plague! What more could you want? Hmmmm …. Cooler weather. Thought I was going to pass out after walking the 6,000+ feet of city walls, at noon. We will be back!

July 9th
We walked the city walls today! Incredible views! The Walls of Dubrovnik (Croatian: Dubrovačke gradske zidine) are a series of defensive stone walls surrounding the city of Dubrovnik in southern Croatia. Ramparts were built in the outlying areas of the city, including the mountain slopes as part of a set of statues from 1272. The existing city walls were constructed mainly during the 13th–17th centuries. The walls run an uninterrupted course of approximately 1,940 metres (6,360 ft) in length, encircling most of the old city, and reach a maximum height of about 25 metres (82 ft).
It feels so much hotter than it actually is. We were all dripping in sweat afterwards and I felt faint/sick. Nathan wanted to get an earlier start but had to wake us up at 830! I told him we would be fine “it’s just walking.” Famous last words. Totally worth it though.

We had a private tour of the old city today and learned so much! We Saw Relics from the patron saint of Dubrovnik which means pieces of his bones. His skull was somewhere else, and you had to pay a nun to see it so we didn’t. Safe surrender- orphanage where womens could anonymously surrender their baby to nuns. There was a wooden wheel here where baby could be placed and then once turned, a nun could receive it on the inside of building. Going inside a prison cell. PRISON CELLS
Deprivation of liberty in the Dubrovnik Republic was initially used mainly to maintain custody of the accused pending trial.
Over time, imprisonment became a centrepiece of the penal system.
Diversity of social life, including criminal activities by some of society's members, is mirrored by the like diversity in possible prison terms that could be imposed, ranging from as little as a few days to many years. Considered to be a penalty more appropriate for commoners, imprisonment was applied evenly to men, women (even women in childbed) and adolescent children.
Prison conditions depended largely on the reasons for one's incarceration; with solitary confinement used on rare occasions, while others were held in chains or under special supervision, even though some prisoners were only locked up during the night. Generally, a number of convicts were imprisoned in the same cell and were permitted to communicate with one another, or the outside world, including their families and even their accomplices. Prisoners had to support themselves by their own funds or depend on the aid of their families, which resulted in a substantial difference in prison conditions that depended heavily on the convict's resources. For the poorest prisoners, the state provided modest support and took care of their health and spiritual needs.
Given the conditions that existed in Dubrovnik's prisons, life behind bars for most convicts was more tolerable than in isolated dungeons that existed elsewhere in Europe at the time.

Tried Bosnian food for dinner. I had a lukmira salad (cucumbers, spring onions,
greek yogurt) and HADZIJSKI CEVAP
(slow cooked beef, vegetables, kajmak).

July 10 - We visited Fort Lovrijenac and then went swimming there.
St Lawrence's Fortress is situated on a 37 metre-high rock to the west of the Old City. The symbol of Dubrovnik's survival and freedom, the Fortress defended the City from the sea and covered the western Pile Gate. Above the entrance to the Fortress is the famed inscription:
(Freedom is not to be sold for all the world's gold).
The first official records mention the Fortress in 1301, although it is believed that its construction began much earlier.

We did laundry and some people watching along the main street in the old town before taking a nap. Resturant 360 - we had and view of the fireworks and gun salutes for the summer festival from the rooftop.

For only having one star, this place was pretty good! Booked out months in advance, we were very fortunate to get in due to a last minute cancellation. Best view in town for the fireworks from the summer festival!

Jul 11th - flew to Zagreb. Explored the area around our hotel, had Italian food and saw a robot lawnmower.

July 12 - Exploring the city of Zagreb. Successful shopping day! New bathing suit, purse, board shorts and sandals, new👙for mom and ✌️dresses. Spent time at the hotel pool. The kids were so excited to find a bucket of super cold water that could be pulled with a cord, and then would automatically fill again.

July 13 - Wow is it hot here, and they don't actually have air conditioning! Stores will have AIR CONDITIONING written really large on their windows. When you step inside, it feels cooler for a few minutes, and then you realize: It's just slightly cooler than outside.
This was a low-key day with the Museum of Illusions and then Minions 4.

July 14 - We woke up to the news of an attempted assassination of Trump.
This was our last full day in Zagreb. We found the old town, went shopping at H & M, visited a playground, and had a meat dinner.

July 15 - Karakow
Our home for the next week 😍 Nathan surprised us with the presidential suite… but all day, acted like he was worried hotel was going to be too small and was complaining about us having to all be in the same room. It worked….I was worried too! And we are right in the heart of old town.

July 16th - Dinner with a view! And Autumn’s first time trying perogies. She loved them! Chopin Resturant.

July 17th - We all slept 11 hours!

We were (intentionally) caught in an epic rainstorm at Wawel castle, complete with thunder and lightning!!!! Apartment of Pope John Paul II.
After the heatwave we had been experiencing, this rain was a welcome relief!

Our hotel was once a palace! Love waking up here! The kids are team playing a camping Roblox game, and so we were able to sleep a solid 9 hours + 2 more for a total of 11! 🙌 Now off to breakfast…well, lunch and then to explore the castle, which, legend has it, used to be home to a real dragon (although Autumn is not buying it).

July 18th - Back to Wawel Castle for a tour. One amazing thing that we realized on this trip is that they are each other's best friends.

During the day we had a golf-cart tour and at sunset, we went on a horse-drawn carriage ride. We also walked to the mall.

It was very old-worldesq...until we were followed by an above-ground subway. An interesting blend of old and new.

The kids had a blast playing tag in the old town square after dinner.

Hide and seek. I remember when I didn't think my Dad could see me, as long as my eyes were covered and I couldn't see him. How I wish Dad was here. Still very regularly have the thought "I need to call and tell him..." before I quickly realize that I cannot.

July 19th - We spent hours in the Rynek Underground, a museum showing the subterranean route between several Medieval market stalls and other rooms located below the Market Square. Fun and interactive. It shows the excavated Middle Ages vendors' stalls, giving an idea of what life was like in Krakow nearly 1,000 years ago.

I went in search of jagodzianka, a delicious blueberry pastry.

We had dinner in the square while the kids played on a statue and with their light-up helicopter toys, and went back to the room for a movie night - Swiss Family Robinson.

July 20 - Aut and I went to a Pierogi making class. We took a cab there, but walked back to the hotel. On this walk, it struck me that I am thoroughly enjoying my time with her. While I miss our little Bean, it is amazing to be able to talk with her like a real person! This is where the idea of getting We also visited a cat café which is just as amazing as it sounds: a café, filled with cats!

July 21 - We did some souvenir shopping and then hubby and kids walked me to my hour-long massage appointment. On our way there, much to my hubby's dismay, we ducked into the BUNNY CAFE for a coffee and light snack. Well, just as the cat café was filled with cats, this one had...you guessed it- bunnies! They sold tickets for entrance to spend time with the bunnies, so we purchased our tickets for after my massage. My husband was thrilled and thoroughly enjoyed himself, as you can tell. In the evening, we went on a spooky stories walking tour.

We learned: The executioner’s knife hangs at the entrance to main market square to remind people not to steal. First offense, they would shave off your hair. Second offense, you could loose your nose or ear. Third offense? Your hand. After that…the gallows.

We also found out that legend states that the gargoyle faces all around town will come alive at midnight and if you make eye contact with them, you will turn to stone and become one. To this day, locals refrain from exiting the bars at midnight for this very reason. And remember that splash pad? It was built on the graveyard of an old church cemetery, where people were buried for hundreds of years, including alleged vampires.
July 22 - Time to head home! Again, in business class so we were able to rest and the kids enjoyed unlimited movies.

One of the best things about going on vacation? A newfound appreciation for coming home. Love hitting the trails with my girl Anna running off leash.

When we returned home, we were all a bit sad to see how much Honey grew! We had a pool day at our friends, and a co-worker of mine came to swim and catch up, as we started to mentally gear up for the new school year.

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