Our miracle RAINBOW BABY BOY arrived 8/2018

1st IVF = BFN
2nd IVF = Baby A, born May 2015
3rd IVF = Miscarriage at 14 weeks
4th IVF = BFN
After we paid for 5th IVF, positive pregnancy without IVF!

Because the important moments in life just don’t fit in a status update! I started this blog when I was training for my first ½ Ironman, (70.3 miles) to record what I hoped would be growth and progress but ended up being a huge learning experience. Although fitness is one of the key ingredients to a happy life, it certainly isn't the only ingredient. My blog has evolved to document growth, progress and setbacks in other areas too. From my surprise proposal in Rome and wedding in the fall of 2013, to Mom's devastating stage IV cancer diagnosis and death 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant. Who knows what shape it will take, but thanks for being along for the ride.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A Decade Since Mom's Death

It’s been 10 years since I lost my best friend. A decade. In those early days, weeks, months, and years, it felt like it would never get easier. When I'm really missing her, I feel like it hasn’t. But there is one measure that shows me time has healed, if only a little bit: I miss Dad more.

Orange County Register, 2007

I had no idea when I wrote this blog post on the anniversary of her death last year that it would be my last anniversary of her death while Dad was still alive.

I thought that when I lost my father, it wouldn’t be as difficult. I thought that I would have a level of immunity built up due to the fact that I had already lost Mom. But I know that’s not true because now I miss him more. This fact shows me that time has eased the pain of her loss, as it will do, in time, with the pain of his loss. 

I often imagine what my life would be like with her in it. What the children’s lives would be like with her in it. How greatly their day-to-day living would be enhanced. I've imagined this so much that I can picture her mother-in-law cottage in our backyard with pink roses out front. Life would be perfect if I had her, or so I think. But if I had her now, I would still have the loss of her on the horizon. And no matter how much time we have, we always want more, don't we? 

Rather than lamenting her loss, I have to focus on what I am grateful for and how fortunate I am. For I know some people who did not have this amount of time with their mothers. Or he didn’t have a mother at all. Or worse yet, had an abusive, uncaring, or addicted Mom. I have to focus on the fact that before God called her home, He made sure that I had a new best friend on the way; I was six weeks pregnant with Autumn when she died. 

It's okay to allow ourselves to feel down for a bit, but we must remember that even in the worst situation, there is always something to be thankful for. I am thankful that she was, and is, my Mom. Of all the Moms in the world, I chose the very best.

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